Flower Karry®
Protects and Holds Flowers Throughout your Customer’s Shopping Trip and Promotes Floral Sales.
The Flower Karry is a clever enhancement, developed for floral merchandising that greatly influences the impulse buyer. Promotes flower sales by keeping them healthy and undamaged while customers continue to shop around your store. And reduces trips and falls from water drips.
Flower Karry® Portable

Flower Karry prevents water dripping on the floor.

Compact attractive display holds cones and sign.

The Flower Karry Portable Model is simple to use and can be placed anywhere around the top edge of the cart.
- Attractive, compact display
- Durable, plastic cone.
- Sustainable alternative to plastic bags.
- Contains water – helps prevents trips and falls
Flower Karry is available in a wide range of colors.

Flower Karry® Permanent

The Flower Karry Permanent model is manufactured with convenience in mind. With a sleek design that keeps flowers out of harm’s way.
- Made of durable, colorfast, UV protected, no rust plastic.
- Non-obtrusive slim design.
- Does not interfere with nesting.
- Fits all sizes of shopping carts.
- No tools required.
Flower Karry is available in black.