A safer alternative for consumers who shop with infants is to use the Safe-Dock Personal Infant Carrier Docking Stations that are specifically designed to be permanently mounted and used on shopping carts. Safe-Docks are usually made available on several carts within the store. It is important to make sure that shopping carts and seat belts are always kept in good working order; and Safe-Docks are readily available and kept clean. These practices are not only excellent safety and liability measures; but are essential from a customer service and convenience standpoint. The blogs are fervent with moms talking about shopping cart safety and applauding stores that provide the safety equipment that help them care for their children while shopping. The simple practice of providing Safe-Docks and working seat belts in shopping carts is an opportunity for the retailer to make the shopping experience a bit better for parents.
Paul Giampavolo is the leading expert on shopping cart safety. Paul is Chairman of ASTM’s Consumer Products Executive Subcommittee which oversees all Consumer Product standard activities, Subcommittee Chairman of ASTM’s Shopping Cart Subcommittee, recipient of a Consumer Product Safety Commission Chairman’s Commendation in 1996 for Significant Contributions to Product Safety, and President and CEO of Safe-Strap Company. Paul has worked in the retail industry for over 30 years and dedicated his career to child safety.