• Revolutionizing the Shopping Experience Since 1983

Parents for Safer Shopping Carts was recently featured on Fox News 150 150 safetra1241

Parents for Safer Shopping Carts was recently featured on Fox News

Grocers Add Safer Car Seat Docking Systems To Shopping Carts Going to the grocery store or a big box establishment as a new mom toting along a small baby is such an overwhelming trip to take. And being too tired and frazzled doesn’t matter when food and diapers are needed. Oftentimes, parents will rest the…

Smith’s to demonstrate shopping cart designed to keep infants safe 150 150 safetra1241

Smith’s to demonstrate shopping cart designed to keep infants safe

Smith’s to demonstrate shopping cart designed to keep infants safe From Thursday through Saturday, all 34 Smith’s stores in Southern Nevada will be participating in National Safety Month by introducing the Safe-Dock system, a specially designed shopping cart that keeps infants secure. According to Linda Waters, division safety manager for Kroger, the grocery retailer that…

Safe-Dock featured on ABC this morning 150 150 safetra1241

Safe-Dock featured on ABC this morning

Smith’s launching campaign to educate parents on using shopping carts The next time you and the kids head to the grocery you may want to be more careful shopping carts. Believe or it not every year 24,000 children get sent to emergency room with shopping cart injuries. That’s more than high chairs, strollers and changing…

Safer Shopping Carts on ABC 150 150 safetra1241

Safer Shopping Carts on ABC

Thousands of children sent to ER for shopping cart injuries SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 Utah) – As part of National Safety Month, Smiths Food and Drug is stepping up their safety measures when it comes to shopping carts their customers put their kids in. According to a recent study, each day 66 kids are…

Shopping Safe with Safe-Dock on CBS 150 150 safetra1241

Shopping Safe with Safe-Dock on CBS

Safer Shopping Carts video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player DAHO FALLS, Idaho – Smith’s Food and Drug is changing the way their shopping carts are designed to keep children safer. “So the big launch is the focus on child safety in our shopping carts,” said Bruce Herbst, store director at Smith’s. Shopping with children at any…

Smiths and Safe-Dock featured on Fox News 150 150 safetra1241

Smiths and Safe-Dock featured on Fox News

Local grocery store adds safe-dock shopping carts for child safety SALT LAKE CITY — Across America an average of 66 children a day are rushed to the emergency room due to shopping cart related accidents, according to the Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Smith’s Food and Drug is trying to change those numbers by…

New Warnings on Shopping Carts Aimed to Improve Shopping Cart Safety – Part 2 150 150 safetra1241

New Warnings on Shopping Carts Aimed to Improve Shopping Cart Safety – Part 2

A safer alternative for consumers who shop with infants is to use the Safe-Dock Personal Infant Carrier Docking Stations that are specifically designed to be permanently mounted and used on shopping carts. Safe-Docks are usually made available on several carts within the store. It is important to make sure that shopping carts and seat belts…

Infant Injuries from Shopping Cart Accidents Can Easily be Prevented 150 150 safetra1241

Infant Injuries from Shopping Cart Accidents Can Easily be Prevented

Instances of infant carrier-related injuries have increased in recent years. There are about 1,000 injuries annually now, and last year, a child was killed in a Georgia supermarket, which propelled more attention around the issue. Infant carrier materials warn against using the carriers on elevated surfaces, but not all of the materials address shopping carts;…

The Daily Record talks Shopping Cart Safety with Paul Giampavolo 150 150 safetra1241

The Daily Record talks Shopping Cart Safety with Paul Giampavolo

Ruse on the Loose: Wharton company makes shopping safer for kids Sometimes the best ideas happen by accident. Watching a news report in 1982, Paul Giampavolo listened as the announcer told how many children were injured falling out of shopping carts every year. “I had seen it firsthand,” said Giampavolo, who, while working at the…

ABC KIVI TV and Albertsons Showcase Shopping Safe with Safe-Dock 150 150 safetra1241

ABC KIVI TV and Albertsons Showcase Shopping Safe with Safe-Dock

Car seat latch system makes shopping carts safer Improper use of a shopping cart is to blame for nearly 24,000 kids visiting the ER across the country each year. This surpasses injuries from high chairs, strollers, changing tables and other equipment. A handful of Boise area stores such as Walmart, Trader Joe’s, Albertsons and Paul’s…